Politics in Da Burg

Politics in Da Burg
Political commentary with substance.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Politics From the Black Woman Perspective: The Republican Party vs. Black Women Voting Block

I am a Black woman, who has experienced many if not all the aspects of the political spectrum. Having belonged to the Democrat party, (a former president of the local chapter of the National Organization for Women) the socialist party, the Republican party, a Republican candidate for office, political activist, ordained minister, the daughter of a maid (Mrs. Katy's), my father a laborer, and most importantly a single mother who lives in urban area I am some what of an expert when it comes to urban politics.

I paid my dues to society by not allowing my sons to become delinquent "I told you so (s). My sons and I attended college together. Struggling, I earned my AA degree in education. After earning three semesters of college credits towards my Bachelor degree in Education, I was forced to delay my education to repair a knee injury which plagued me for five years. I walked around with this hideous brace, it was beginning to become a a part of me.

Shackled, I walked onto the stage to receive my first degree. Shackled, I ran for public office. I worked for UPS and tutored elementary students while attending college. Notwithstanding, It took the company five years to repair my knee because the company's attorney, Albert Garcia, was convinced that I was faking, and that all I wanted was something for nothing. Grudgingly, he suggested numerous times that I should settle for a job at the nearest Burger King, instead of setting my sights on a college degree.

Constantly, he reminded me that justice really does mean "Just Us". It took a federal appeals mandate to get the company to comply with the local administrative judge's ruling. Consequently, I am currently, working towards my short-term goal of completing a bachelor's degree in Educational Studies and a long term doctorate. Therefore, I walk the walk and talk the talk each day as a Black woman in America.

I can still remember running for office as a Republican. I got no support from the "big dogs" in the party. They snuffed their noses at me. Amazingly, and to the dismay of some Republicans, I received 33 % of the vote in a majority Black district, dominated by Democrats. A reporter for the St. Petersburg times, (Christina Silva) ,virtually describe me as a trifling, unemployed, low-income, angry, (sapphire) Black woman. Having paid my suffrage dues, I can now honestly and without hestitation, claim the title of an official spokeswoman for urban Black women. I dare anyone to deny me "THE TITLE".

My mother worked as a maid to support her family. To my credit, I can never forget as a little girl, watching from the window each day as my mother got out of the back seat of Mrs. Katy's car, after a grueling day of slaving for pennies. In order to avoid political uncorretness, she was not permitted to ride in the front seat of the car with Mrs. Katy ( I often tried to convince myself and my friends that she was actually being chauffered). To add insult to injury, not one dime was paid into Social Securiy benefits for my mother's retirement, eventhough she worked for 30 years. Alarmingly, many other Blacks identify with the same plight. I promised myself that one day my mother would live her legacy through me.

Unfortunately, this did not take place in the 1920s, it took place over a thirty year period, extending into the latter part of 1988. I often questioned my mother as to the inequality of the situation, and her answer was "Sharon your mouth will be your ruin one day". My naysayers will respond to her statement with "she never lied".

One thing that I can say for people like Mrs. Katy, is that you knew where they stood and you knew what you were up against. (FYI, Mrs. Katy was a Republican). It is the political patronizers who are a danger to the social, economic, and political survivor of Black people. Blacks recognize the danger involved in the party's advancement to the far right.

There must never come another time in the history of this country when Black people are terrorized and blamed for the economic situation in America. Republicans had better take the reins and guide this party to avoid racial upheavial by growing radicals, who have entrenched themselves and are infiltrating their far right Nazi agenda.

So, understand my perspective is not from an elitist, shallow, poor Black people sympathizer view point. I challenge the likes of the critical Black elite: Juan Williams, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Bill Cosby, Larry Elder, Star Parker, and Pastor Manning to come up with a solution. stop denigrating Black people with their critical disgust, which entertains the Republican party and lets them off the hook for their lack of Black elected officials and Black participation in the party.

Republicans know all to well that historically they left the Black vote, the Black vote did not leave them. If you listen closely to the Black elite's message, the object of their disgust is actually geared toward Black women. I dare to say that not one of these Black critics will spit on urban Blacks let alone go into their neighborhood, which they escaped. They serve the same purpose as Black Democrats only, they are the new breed of Republican political pimps.

Marginalized, despised, disenfranchised and rejected Black woman must take a stand against this monsterous, government socialist system which has engulfed their urban community. A system which refuses to let go of its grip, while denying its captives the right to trust in the living God as savior, provider, and lord. A destructive government stronghold that denies the freedom to exist independently to an entire race.

The survival of any race depends on its women and whether we like it or not, historically Black women are the mothers of civilization. Civilization began with the Black woman and it will end with the Black woman because that is how God ordained it. If you have a problem with this, check with the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings. The soverign lord, who makes peace and creates evil. Likewise he kills and makes alive. No bragging, just the facts.

Historically, Black society is a matriarch society. The political party who is ready to adopt and enlist the principals of "It takes a village to raise a child" is the institution who will guarantee truth, liberty, and freedom to Black people in America. Republicans you need to realize that it is the Black woman who has the ballot power. Furthermore, we have awakened to the fact that Black preachers have pimped our vote for too long.

"Moses go down to Egypt and tell Ol' Pharoh to let my people go". God commanded Moses to tell Ol' Pharoh to let my people go, so that they may worship me in the wilderness. U. S. government let God's people go so that they may serve, trust, and love the Lord with all their heart, their soul, and their might.